News 3 February 2022

Apprenticeship enterprise approval

The education agency of the City of Oslo approved Equanostic as an apprenticeship enterprise for computer electronics engineers starting March 2022. The first candidate has signed his apprenticeship contract, starting fall 2022 and leading to a trade certificate after 18 months.

«The apprenticeship at Equanostic will be a unique opportunity to give my career an excellent start», says Iver Andreas Yttervik. He has been on vocational specialization at Equanostic one day per week the past year. Such placement is intended to familiarize students in upper secondary education with key work tasks of their chosen trade.
«This is a good way to identify and develop talent we need in our company», says Stig Støa, Equanostic CEO.

The computer electronics engineer vocation covers installation, operation, reparation, and maintenance of electronic systems. At Equanostic, Iver will gain in-depth knowledge and experience in planning, executing, and evaluating such activities. He will also be involved in system development. A trade test towards the end of the contract will certify the acquired skills.