The Equanostic pipe scanner will be showcased in Copenhagen 11-15 September 2022 at the International Water Association (IWA) World Water Congress & Exhibition.
Conference attendees will see a demo of continuous scanning and delivery of pipe condition data. The sensing and analysis techniques adapt Equanostic’s technology for offshore drilling well inspection to water pipes.
With the aging of pipelines follows a need for infrastructure renewal in numerous parts of the world. The investment needs for the water industry towards 2040 are calculated to 280 billion NOK in Norway alone. The pipe scanner offers to identify the pipeline condition, allowing decision makers to prioritize these expenses.
The pipe scanner can also complement stationary sensors in smart pipelines. Sporadic inspection of the whole pipeline serves to validate models based on point measurements.
The biannual Congress is the global event for the water sector. It attracts 10.000 professionals covering the full water cycle. The theme of this 12th edition is water for smart liveable cities. The pipe scanner fits well into this innovation and digitalization focus.
Equanostic will give a technical talk Monday September 12th in room B4d, the session starting 10:30. The pipe scanner demonstration is at the Norwegian pavilion, booth C2-218.