The Equanostic radar and ultrasound sensors are specially designed based on experience gained in offshore well inspection. Finely tuned to the water pipe environment, and in combination with bespoke processing and analysis, they let you see beyond the surface.
The system resolution gives you detailed knowledge of the location and material condition for every inch of your pipe. This precision makes it possible to monitor weak points and predict the need for maintenance.
The Equanostic analysis algorithms automate the processing of sensor data, directly outputting a report which summarizes the pipeline condition and points out segments that require attention.
Pipeline inspection data are represented by 1D and 2D plots in the Equanostic graphical user interface (GUI). The visualization gives access from top-level analysis results and all the way down to sensor data frame details. The corresponding camera stream is also available.
The GUI also serves as robot operator interface, controlling the robot motion in the pipe. Realtime robot operation signals are also available.